A*DESK is a critical platform focused on publishing, training, experimentation, communication and dissemination in relation to contemporary culture and art, which is defined by transversality. The starting point is contemporary art, because that is where we come from and this awareness allows us to go much further, to incorporate other disciplines and forms of thought in order debate issues that are relevant and urgent for understanding our present.

A*DESK is an international platform, flexible and in evolution, with the intention of building bridges between generations and opening up new avenues of opinion, criticism and discourse. The board of directors of A*DESK is formed by Montse Badia, Andreas M. Kaufmann and María Muñoz. Since 2019 we have had guest editors who, for one month, have carte blanche to define the theme and the texts published. With this, A*DESK is open to new inputs and also becomes a place of work and experimentation for a larger number of people. In 2020, we launch a weekly agenda, that highlights the most rellevant cultural events in town. We also intensify our activities with seminars, courses, workshops, live television programs, advisory services and specific projects to help strengthen critical thinking and give back to culture its role as a generator of knowledge and values.

Past events