Digital Büro of International Art
Rocafort, 66, 5 - 1
08015 Barcelona
DIBINa is an independent platform which focuses on curating, managing, and producing contemporary art projects, and developing their public communication. It was founded in Barcelona in 2006 by Alex Brahim (independent art curator/ cultural agitator) and Tania Brett (project manager in BTL marketing environments).

Its main goal is to seek for appropriate displays for multidisciplinary artworks, focusing on emerging talents and on the most alternative expressions of established authors, and to aim for the involvement of the corporate in these initiatives.

DIBINa works closely with the artists, from the conceptualization of a project and the production of artworks, to all exhibition endeavors in the appropriate framework. Besides curatorial work, artistic management and production as commissions, DIBINa also develops independent projects and collaborations.