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Teatro Principal de Olot
Passeig d\'en Blay, 5, 17800 Olot, Girona
The Sismògraf dance festival (the festival that ‘detects movement’, as its name [seismograph in Catalan] implies) came into being in 2009 with the aim of bringing together a variety of dance proposals performed within the framework of the city of Olot’s cultural programme. It began thanks to the impetus given by the European Smart Cities 3.0 initiative but, above all, owing to two factors, namely, the existence of professional and amateur dancers and choreographers and an audience receptive to dance.

The festival’s six editions have brought all sorts of dance performances to Olot’s Teatre Principal, as well as to the city’s streets, parks and squares. Parallel activities are also organised to bring dance closer to citizens, such as the DanDanDansa suitcases and the project Tots dansen.

The festival has progressively gained momentum and its 2015 edition is now one of the Government of Catalonia’s strategic performing arts festivals alongside the circus festival Trapezi de Reus, the Fira Tàrrega street theatre festival and La Mostra d’Igualada children’s and youth theatre festival.

Sismògraf strives to be the epicentre of dance in Catalonia with a two-fold purpose in mind: to act as a dance market and festival at the same time. Providing a space for professionals and artists to come together and thereby increase the number of dance performances in cities’ cultural programmes and, at the same time, to afford the public the opportunity to enjoy dance shows of all kinds and formats.