Thursday of voice and word / Who plays with fire

19:0020:00 h
Venue: Santa Mònica
La Rambla, 7
08002 Barcelona
Price: Free event

Philosopher Michael Marder explains that since modernity fire has been divided into two forces: light and heat. He argues that the Enlightenment symbolically separated the cold light of reason – which only shines, but does not burn – and heat without light: the embodiment of evil, terrorism, that which is senseless, absurd or gratuitous. However, he argues that fire is a unity that encompasses and transcends this intrinsic duality: an event where theory and practice converge.

Despite the fact that Los Chunguitos insist on reminding us of the aphorism that says who plays with fire, gets burned with fire, during this performative lecture the speaker will endeavour to demonstrate that whoever plays with fire not only burns but also shines. To do so, he will alter the role of lecturer to that of a contemporary fakir: these themes and other digressions will be dealt with and different ways of bringing fire to the stage will be rehearsed.

Dijous de veu i paraula / Qui juga amb foc