With Clara Garí, Marc Caelles and Esteban de Colombi: Admirable! lightning and no one understands anything

18:3019:30 h
Venue: Fundació Suñol
Calle Mejía Lequerica 14
08028 Barcelona
Price: 5€
Arts en Viu

We will get together to walk just a little and talk even less:

Matsuo Bashô walked his entire life. His pilgrimage was like a blank canvas, like the snow fallen on the roads of Japan, like the trail of the river that has left Eva Lootz here.

I will talk about walking as a strategy that the body has to find the soul and that the work of art has to find the community that supports it. I will talk about this.

We won’t talk much, instead we invite you for a walk.

Amb Clara Garí, Marc Caelles i Esteban de Colombi: Admirable! un llamp i ningú entén res