Antonio Gagliano and Verónica Lahitte. Reconstruction: Barcelona Art Report [2001]

19:0021:00 h
Venue: MACBA, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona
Plaça dels Àngels, 1
08001 Barcelona
Price: Free event

A talk with Antonio Gagliano and Verónica Lahitte.

Antonio Gagliano and Verónica Lahitte introduce the audience to their work process, Reconstruction: Barcelona Art Report [2001], which looks at the Barcelona triennial exhibition that only ended up happening once. In the same vein as Ràdio Web MACBA’s ‘Escenes Eliminades’ [‘Deleted Scenes’] series, in this session, the spotlight will be turned on material and threads from lost stories that were left out of the event. Scenes surrounding the very act of reconstruction and the corresponding decision-making process are recovered, shared and discussed, in an examination of what happens when a different idea or prototype doesn’t quite work and what collective lessons we can learn from it.

Antonio Gagliano i Verónica Lahitte. Reconstrucció: Barcelona Art Report [2001]