BERENGUERA - Gerard Franch and Maria Jover

20:0021:00 h
Venue: Antic Teatre
Carrer de Verdaguer i Callís, 12
08003 Barcelona
Price: From 14€ to 16€
Arts en Viu

Saturday, 4th November at 8 pm
Sunday, 5th November at 8 pm

In November ‘21, artists Franch and Jover were profoundly moved when they stumbled on an anonymous poem in an anthology published more than a century ago. Inspired to discover the author, after exhaustive research they finally came upon troubadour, mystic and scientist Berenguera de Vilamur, who was born in the 13th century in Vilamur, in the county of Girona.

The show Berenguera is, therefore, a staging of the work and life of this very special character using a range of coded languages such as song, dance or poetry. The creators also use the story to question the credibility of the language with which they can explain history.

And, to quote Vilamur, “Adissiu mai, a profunda abistança”.

Maria and Gerard met in 2018 at the 34th edition of the San Miniato Prima de Teatro, at the Body Politic workshop, which evolved into two more European residencies and an eventual premiere within the Focus Jeune Théâtre Européen festival in Chalon-sur-Saône. They have continued to work together since that moment. Graduated in acting from ESAD in Barcelona, these two artists combine their own experience with great complicity and theatrical knowledge. Each has an extensive career in performance, going from musical training through numerous collective and personal creations to a variety of European projects.

The eighth edition of KONVENT A L’ANTIC: a once-a-year chance to see, in Barcelona, the creations of resident artists at Konvent de Cal Rosal, a former convent of the late 19th century converted into a multidisciplinary and selfmanaged artistic centre.

Languages: catalan
Duration: 60 minutes
Recommended age: +5 years old
Tickets: 14 euros ONLINE // 16 euros BOX OFFICE


BERENGUERA – Gerard Franch i Maria Jover