International Art Day

10:0019:00 h
Venue: Bòlit_PouRodó
Plaça Pou Rodó 7-9,
17004 Girona
Price: Free event

The anniversary of International Art Day commemorates the birth of the Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci on April 15, 1452. In 2011, UNESCO declared this date as International Art Day with the purpose of bringing the different forms of artistic expression closer to citizens. . For 12 years, several entities linked to art in the province of Girona have celebrated the anniversary on these dates of the year through an extensive agenda of activities throughout the territory of Girona.

For the second year, the celebration of International Art Day is divided into two events: the events spread throughout the territory and the second edition of the Territorial Conference on contemporary artistic practices in the Girona regions.

Dia internacional de l’art