Tuesdays of video / “A la chita callando” by Alicia Reyero

19:0020:00 h
Venue: Santa Mònica
La Rambla, 7
08002 Barcelona
Price: Free event

A la Chita Callando is a live creation project about SILENCE and its content, starting from the silences inherited in the family home and transported to the affective, social, political and institutional spheres. It is everything we do to achieve something, but do not say.

It deals with inheritance and morality, and highlights the bonds that unite people regardless of their condition and social context, through elements that are common to all: the house, clothes and silence.

A la Chita Callando was initially conceived as a stage piece, the result of a collective creation process of six performers and, curiously, it was a chain of institutional silences that caused it to become an audiovisual piece, in order to dignify the work of all the people who worked on it.

Dimarts de vídeo / “A la chita callando” d’Alicia Reyero