Estrats. Cristina2g

Venue: Galeria H2O
Verdi, 152
08012 Barcelona
Price: Free event

I once heard that there are creators who, over time, evolve so much in their work that it is difficult for them to recognize their previous pieces as their own. This led me to reflect on my way of expressing thoughts in my work and how time affects the creation process.

Throughout our lives, we accumulate experiences that gradually form a cluster of “layers” in our psyche, which are part of our evolution and which consciously and unconsciously make us become what we are. The question is whether, over time, these layers become so “opaque” that they prevent us from seeing our former selves.

The Earth, which sustains us, is made up at different scales of various materials and elements of all kinds, fallen and superimposed, forming infinite “layers”. Plants, trees, sand, cosmic dust… create a compendium that, in millions of years, becomes a seabed and then transforms into the top of a mountain range. Going up there, you will find clues to find those strata, sediments of an unrecognizable past. In some magical way, people, nature, and the cosmos are united and share a complex and similar code.

Estrats. Cristina2g