John Berger: Because we look at what we look at. Dialogue between Fèlix Pérez-Hita and Andrés Hispano. Moderated by Ingrid Guardiola

18:3020:30 h
Venue: Bòlit_StNicolau
Plaça de Santa Llúcia 1
17007 Girona
Price: Free event

John Berger became a very popular intellectual with his book “Ways of seeing / Maneres de ver” (1972). The writer and artist told us that all images embody a way of seeing the world and the things in it. In this way, he made us aware of the conventions and social norms inscribed in the images, but also of the possibility of looking in other ways or of grasping those details that, often, belie these same norms that the images signify.

Root of the publication “Mirar” (Arcàdia 2023), and in parallel with the exhibition “The shadow under the eyelid”, this session will bring together Andrés Hispano, Fèlix Pérez-Hita and Ingrid Guardiola (the former team of Soy Cámara, the video-essay program of the CCCB) to talk about these companion species that are hyperubiquitous images and also about the “look” we project on them. Why, in spite of everything, are we still there, watching?

John Berger: perquè mirem el que mirem Diàleg entre Fèlix Pérez-Hita i Andrés Hispano. Modera, Ingrid Guardiola