La utopía de vivir. Juan de la Rica

Venue: Víctor Lope Arte Contemporáneo
Carrer Aribau, 75
Barcelona 08036
Price: Free event

In the face of an increasingly cruel reality that suffocates and squeezes us, art can be expressed in two ways: that of denunciation and that of a haven of peace, both of which are completely legitimate and necessary to support all the vital weight we carry on our backs. Juan de la Rica seems to opt for the less painful path and opens a window to several scenes that, through their kindness, emanate a pleasant sensation of comfort. A hiatus amidst all the horror that is ravaging us.

Through a series of images, with the unmistakable voluptuousness that characterizes his work, he shows what has inspired such a pleasurable sensation in him that he has felt the need to capture it. Sometimes nothing saves you more from otherness, and yourself, than finding beauty where there is peace. Not only are the chosen themes pleasing but Juan de la Rica’s works are perfectly packaged. A sum of masses that are presented in total balance, both between the volumes and between these with the chromatic range used.

La utopía de vivir. Juan de la Rica