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The Happy Islands. Riccardo Nannini

18:0021:00 h
Venue: Víctor Lope Arte Contemporáneo
Carrer Aribau, 75
Barcelona 08036
Price: Free event

Riccardo Nannnini’s new proposal, “The Happy Islands”, continues the path traced in previous works. In this series of new paintings the theme of the individual and continues with his exploration; this time, literally isolating his characters, in small groups or singularly, and literally isolating his characters, either in small groups or individually, and placing them in an idyllic-looking in an idyllic-looking setting.

Like Robinsons through his filter of the absurd, Nannini presents us with characters who travel their own characters who follow their own path of transformation: from sailors to shipwrecked sailors and from shipwrecked to and from castaways to islanders. The island represents a zero point, a promise of wellbeing that will

The island represents a zero point, a promise of well-being that will yield its best results depending on the dynamics that are set in motion.
“The Happy Islands” is thus a reflection on community and individuality, on fragmentation, fragmentation, fragmentation, fragmentation and fragmentation. individuality, on fragmentation, isolation and integration in a scenographic space which is reduced to the space that is reduced to the essentials in order to reveal the forms of relationship.

Las islas felices. Riccardo Nannini