Losing Touch. Madison Tyrell

Venue: LAB36
Trafalgar, 36
08010 Barcelona
Price: Free event

The work exposed in Losing Touch aims to capture the interplay between self-disintegration found in the transformative power of nature, serving as a testament to the profound connection between human existence and the natural environment. Tyrell utilizes natural elements to express these emotions, evoking a sense of transcendence and introspection.

The encountered environments may confront and challenge familiar emotions, establishing a contrast between one’s personal aspirations and the anticipated solace found within nature’s refuge. Losing Touch delves into the realm of self-discovery, intertwining the human essence with the ethereal voice of the surrounding landscapes. Through this work, Tyrell seeks to forge a profound connection between raw emotions and the familiarity found in the power of the natural setting.

Losing Touch. Madison Tyrell