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New adventures in Hi-Fi

18:00 h
Venue: Víctor Lope Arte Contemporáneo
Carrer Aribau, 75
Barcelona 08036
Price: Free event

In “New adventures in Hi-Fi. VOL I ” we enter the world of the new figuration, through a curated selection of artists, represented or in collaboration. Different voices of painting and ceramics dialogue in the gallery in search of a unique discourse, the artist’s need to tell a story, to capture a moment in time, sometimes as a tribute to the history of art, sometimes highlighting the different strata of our society.

For the first time we will show in our space works by Beate Höing (Germany), Damien Cifelli (UK), Clara Adolphs (Australia), Nicolas Romero (Argentina), Franco Fasoli (Argentina), Riccardo Nannini (Italy) or Kaili Smith (Holland), together with artists already known to the gallery such as Javier Ruiz, Leo Dorfner and Cesc Abad.

New adventures in Hi-Fi