Obertura de projectes de #immensivaresidence2024 : LA IMMENSITAT DE GAIA

Carrer D'Espronceda 326 Nau 4,5 & 10 08027 Barcelon Obert de dimarts a divendres, 16h - 20.30h Dissabte, 16h - 19h
Price: Free event
We are happy to invite you for a night with a prototype show of the residence, presenting to the public the installations/immersive/interactive proposals!
Don’t miss the chance to be part of this artistic project!
Curated by Alejandro Martin.
Artists: Gerard Valls Montaño, Ryan Cherewaty, Rachel Heavey, Crisal Rodriguez, Ruh Leng, Juan Rubiano, Cesarine Lafontant, Elizabeth Ricachi, Swaeny Nina Kersaan.
Obertura de projectes de #immensivaresidence2024 :  LA IMMENSITAT DE GAIA