Meditative tour through three Girona acoustics With Maria Arnal

18:0020:00 h
Venue: Catedral de Girona
Pl. de la Catedral, s/n
17004 Girona
Price: Free event
Arts en Viu

The acoustics of a cathedral are not a consequence of its construction, but are at the center of the architectural vision. The word of God, elevated and multiplied, could reach every corner of the temple thanks to the reverberation. Archaeoacoustics teaches us that cave paintings used to be located in the acoustically richest spaces of caves, where voices multiplied without any explanation other than magic. Today, in which we participate fully in information saturation, the economy of attention and the dispersion that derives from it, we can make listening an act of collective presence.

Maria Arnal will offer us a meditative tour through three acoustics of Girona’s Old Quarter: the cistern of the History Museum, the cathedral and the chapel of Sant Nicolau, in which voice and listening will be our guides.

Activity linked to the exhibition “Apories sobre l’aire”

Recorregut meditatiu per tres acústiques gironines Amb Maria Arnal