Respiratory Air as a symbol of equality By Eurisca

12:0013:30 h
Venue: Bòlit_PouRodó
Plaça Pou Rodó 7-9,
17004 Girona
Price: Free event

Playful-experimental workshop for families
Aimed at children aged 5 to 10
Duration: 2h

The session will be divided into two parts: interactive experience and practical research exercise.

‘Respiratorium’ is an interactive experience that invites boys and girls to explore air as a fundamental element for life. Through the game, they will learn to relate it to different topics, from scientific to poetic. These practical exercises will help them visualize the air, thus awakening their curiosity and discovering the need to take care of it. Thinking and scientific skills will help them understand air as a shared resource essential for the sustainable development of our habitat.

Activity linked to the exhibition “Apories sobre l’aire”

Respiratorium. L’aire com a símbol d’igualtat A càrrec d’Eurisca