SUICIDE NOTES / Marc Caellas & David G. Torres

20:0021:15 h
Venue: Antic Teatre
Carrer de Verdaguer i Callís, 12
08003 Barcelona
Price: From 14€ to 16€
Arts en Viu

Does not talking about suicide prevent suicide? Are those who are terrified by death also afraid of life? Why aren’t suicide notes sad? Do only optimists commit suicide?
Suicide notes are an attempt to establish communication. By marking and explaining the decision to leave life, notes outlast it forever.
Suicide Notes is a live arts creation that considers suicide and its taboo status. An audiovisual concert based on the final texts left by brilliant writers, artists and musicians, celebrated by a musician and an actress in a collective catharsis to stay alive. It’s the warm up for a concert and also a concert; the warm up for a suicide and … also the celebration of life.

Marc Caellas is an artist who works with words, theatre, and performance on hybrid projects that become books, plays or installations.

David G. Torres is an art critic, exhibition curator and professor. He has written a novel, Cielo, and an essay, No más mentiras, republished in 2019 by Can Editions. Using Cielo as a source he has developed several projects: two exhibitions at ADN Platform (La balada de Wendy and Hablar por boca ajena); and a stage adaptation, Cielo TV, codirected with Marc Caellas.

Friday, February 2nd at 8 pm
+ after-show discussion with the artists, Clara Rubio Chumillas (Associació Catalana Prevenció Suïcidi) and Glòria Iniesta Guirao (Associació per a la Prevenció del Suïcidi i l’Atenció al Supervivent).

Languages: spanish
Duration: 75 minutes
Recommended age: +15 years old
SUICIDE NOTES / Marc Caellas & David G. Torres