SXT–Courtyard Rosebush. Estanis Comella

19:0019:45 h
Venue: La Capella
Hospital, 56
08001 Barcelona
Price: Free event

SXT is a long-term project in which writing and musical production converge, using live performance as the format from which to incorporate images into the architectural space in the form of fading atmospheres. In this performance, the La Capella space of the former Hospital de la Santa Creu in Barcelona will be the place where materials from an own archive, texts and images lay the foundations upon which to improvise live, thereby becoming choreographic parameters. Courtyard Rosebush, one of the variations arising from SXT, describes the slight modulations occurring in the temporal sequences that structure it. The materials begin to take shape organically around seamless as a notion that would become a way of signalling continuity and sensuality in the flow when applied to sound, turning linear time into rotation.

Estanis Comella (Lleida, 1985). The aspects of my work are flexible, seeking lightweight materials that can adapt to continual contact with the job at hand. Based on a latent sculptural sensibility, images, texts, sound and drawings lose information in each attempt to configure atmospheres where these materialities overlap to generate amplitude. It is in this difficulty of naming a specific underlying temperature within this entire practice where a poetic field is established that overwhelms formats such as publications, spaces or live performances.

SXT–Courtyard Rosebush. Estanis Comella