Vandalism & Beauty. Lantomo

18:00 h
Venue: 3 Punts Galeria
Enric Granados, 21
08007 Barcelona
Price: Free event

My characters have neutral expressions, hard to penetrate, that don’t fully share their feelings. It is the external gaze that discovers the hidden secrets and the details of the women portrayed
in reflexive and contradictory moments.

My intention is to reveal an internal storm, the inner psychology hidden behind stereotypes and social burdens. The fragility in my subjects contrast with a female strength and rage that hovers beneath the surface of these girls, in a reflection about the juxtaposition of women’s roles inmodern day society as well as their iconic representation.

For that reason, I frequently hide the features portrayed with urban symbolism, childish
innocence and protest iconography, to symbolize the layers that often hide reality.
My subjects are mainly female, proud and powerful.

Vandalism & Beauty. Lantomo