I'm the guide inside your sneakers. Aggtelek

Venue: House of Chappaz
C/ Ca l’Alegre de Dalt 55, Baixos C
08024 Barcelona
Price: Free event

Tokyo, in the nineties of the twentieth century. Kaikai and Kiki, a pair of little characters, nowadays famous in every corner of the capitalized world, were born from the convulsively colonized head of the also famous Takashi Murakami. Kaikai is a namby-pamby boy disguised as a white rabbit who hints at a shy smile and addresses the audience with a complacent look. Kiki, crazier, is always dressed in pink, has three eyes and laughs showing his two fangs. These two individuals appear mostly together, surrounded by a psychedelic orchard of colorful daisies that also crack up with laughter. Too much laughter for a post-postatomic Japan that still resented the inferiority complex and the feeling of frustration experienced after the defeat in World War II! But what Murakami wanted was to project an original, modern and smiling image, flat and infantile, but with a high symbolic/ethical content, of a country that had been a victim but also an executioner.

Jo sóc el guia dins les teves sabatilles. Aggtelek